Sunday, July 20, 2008

Things are looking up!

Yes things are looking up! I just got back a few hours ago from a trip to New Jersey! And no offense to any one reading this who may live there. But the fact that I was there was not at all what makes me feel that things are looking up. Neither is it the fact that I was able to see two of my very dear friends who were celebrating their 25th wedding anniversary , the wedding of which I was gratefully a part of. No don't get me wrong I had a ball there with them and other special friends. However what made me near jump for joy is the fact that my wife was there with me dancing up a storm and at that pain free.

How is this possible for a woman with lupus? Well about a month ago she spoke to a doctor patient of her's ( she's a Hygienist) who introduced her to a detox diet that two days after starting it she told me she could feel the difference. Almost pain free she's been for the most part since then. We used to go out and dance a lot prior to her getting lupus and even in the beginning stages. But soon the pain became so frequent and intense she couldn't even stand being on her feet sometimes much less dance. Another benefit of this diet to her specifically was a slight weight loss. Many women with lupus too would appreciate this as a great thing. But my top pick for benefits from this diet was and is the dramatic change in her demeanor . Her attitude about me and even more so her feelings about herself. Yes Lupus hurts me too! But for now at least, not so much.

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